What Makes New Car Scent & Leather Scent Kit Awesome
New Car Scent
New cars smell fresh and clean inside, but it means so much more beyond that. Buying a new car comes from successful achievement. It comes with new jobs, new opportunities, a lifetime of saving and learning, and out of skillful negotiation with a shady car salesman. Sitting inside and breathing in a new car means more than just enjoying a new set of wheels: it’s a celebration of who you are, where you came from, and where you are going.
Leather Scent
Chemical Guys Leather Scent is more than just an air freshener: it’s an odor eliminator. Leather Scent freshens any space with the distinct musk of freshly-tanned fine leather. Fine leather smells fresh, clean, rich, and aromatic. Besides the look and feel, one of the most loved parts of leather seats, upholstery, apparel, and accessories is its refined and luxurious smell.